Team Donates Food and Clothing to Local Families in Need
Downers Grove Ill. – 4/19/17 – The start of 2017 was full of New Year resolutions for most people and CompuSystems was no different. Pioneered by one of our own employees, Sarah Musur rounded up a group of employees who shared Sarah’s passion and beliefs of helping those in need and formed the CompuSystems Charity Team. Since its creation the team has put together two different charity events to help the local community.
In late January the team’s first project was a coat drive with the goal of helping the less fortunate stay warm throughout the brutal Chicago winter. Employees were asked to donate new or lightly used coats to be donated to the Hesed House in Aurora, IL
Next up was a food drive that added a little friendly competition by breaking the office up into teams by department. As a whole the team collected over 900 items that were donated to the Downers Grove Area FISH Food Pantry. The pantry is an all-volunteer organization.
“On behalf of the volunteers in the FISH organization, I want to thank CompuSystems for the enormous amount of food they donated to us. We assist about 200 families a month and I can assure you that the generosity of those connected with CompuSystems will greatly help our neediest neighbors.” stated June Miller, Corresponding Secretary for the FISH Pantry.
These charitable examples demonstrate the passion CompuSystems’ employees have for both helping their clients, each other and their communities.
“I am incredibly proud of our Charity Team and the success they’ve had thus far. Our core company values include teamwork and caring for one another,” explained Chris Williams, President of CompuSystems. “Our Charity Team not only embodies that but is a perfect example of the amazing people we have here at CompuSystems. I look forward to future initiatives and building our relationship with the community.”.

About CompuSystems
CompuSystems, founded in 1976, is a leader in trade show registration and lead retrieval services. When show organizers work with CompuSystems they not only get cutting-edge service packages but they are backed by the most experienced professionals in the industry. CompuSystems has gone beyond simple registration with the addition of Levreg, a brand new registration platform that makes registration simpler, faster and smarter. For more information about our industry leading services please visit