In an effort to make picking up credentials as easy as possible for their registrants, more and more Show Organizers are utilizing satellite registration areas and mobile carts. While most everyone knows that a satellite registration area is simply a remote area from the main registration site, not everyone knows what mobile registration carts are and the benefits they offer. In this blog, we will talk about mobile registration carts, location selection and the potential costs involved with both.
Mobile Registration Carts
Mobile registration carts are a fairly new concept. The carts have wireless Internet capabilities allowing for the cart to be wheeled around to areas in need of registration assistance at any given time; a VLAN is not necessary. They require a standard electrical outlet and typically include:
• A laptop with a scanner running an Express Registration application
• A smartphone or tablet with Internet connectivity and an Express Registration app installed
• A badge printer
Some things to consider when determining how many carts you want to reserve include:
• A temporary staff member is required to operate each cart
• If the carts are being used at a location other than the convention center, it is up to the Client or Decorator to bring the cart(s) and equipment to that location and return it to the convention center at the close of the event
• An additional registration technician(s) may be sent at the vendor’s discretion
Location, Location, Location! We’ve all heard this before. Whether you use satellite registration areas, mobile registration carts, or both, determining their locations can be tricky. Typically, they’re based on the draw and convenience for the attendee/exhibitor. Hotels, airports and remote locations located within the convention center are the most popular. However, if you have an alternative in mind, let your registration vendor know. They will discuss it with you further to determine if it’s a good fit for your business goals and requirements. They should also advise you in such a way where you don’t overload a small remote area by putting it, for example, too close to a bus drop-off location.
The cost of satellite registration areas and mobile registration carts will vary based on how much equipment is being used, the connection required to access the area, if a technician is needed in the area during the event and more. Your registration vendor will work out the specifics with you, well in advance, to make sure you stay on target with your budget.
No matter which option you choose, offering your registrants a more convenient way to pick up their credentials is always a win. They will appreciate the convenience and you will appreciate that they return for your next event.